2. Grievance Procedure


These notes give guidance on the grievance procedure and how to prepare and conduct a grievance meeting. It is only possible to give general guidance and it should be remembered that each situation has to be considered based on its own particular circumstances and facts.

Grievance Received

Grievances should be investigated and dealt with without reasonable delay in line with your company policy.

On receiving a formal grievance, a manager should invite the employee to a meeting to discuss their grievance (see template letter). The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that the nature of the grievance is clearly understood as employees may not always confirm all details and/or information in their written grievance. It may also be...

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These notes give guidance on the grievance procedure and how to prepare and conduct a grievance meeting. It is only possible to give general guidance, and it should be remembered that each situation has to be considered based on its own particular circumstances and facts.

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